For Love Of You
For three years Jesus taught,
he healed, he prayed, he gave of himself
For love of you.
For his trouble he was condemned,
he was scourged, mocked and spat upon.
Jesus took up his Cross,
For love of you.
On his way to pay for our sins,
he meets his sorrowful Mother, he falls,
Jesus comforts us. Weep not for me he says,
For love of you.
He falls again and is stripped of his garments.
Jesus allows himself to be nailed to a cross.
He understands why.
All this because he so loves you.
Love held him on the Cross as surely as the nails.
With love, Jesus looked down from the Cross.
“Father, forgive them they know not what they do”,
For love of you.
Redemption is ours…a promise from our God.
Yet the love of God is such
he can not bear to leave us,
the creation he so dearly loves.
So Jesus waits.
His body, blood, soul and Divinity,
A prisoner of Love in the mystery of the Eucharist.
Your God does all of this,
For love of you.