Each Ash Wednesday brings an opportunity for deepening my relationship with God. This year my inspiration comes from my favorite home make-over show. Chip Gaines on HGTV’s Fixer Upper proclaims his favorite day is Demo Day. It’s the chance to dig into a house project by tearing down walls and clearing out the old in order to begin the new. It means getting dirty and sweaty. It uncovers hidden problems that can only fester and become worse over time. It also uncovers treasures that were there all along but got covered over in time.
So I proclaim Ash Wednesday as Demo Day! It’s a time to dig deep.
Following Chip Gaines’ down-home Texas wisdom, first comes demolition, then renovation and finally revelation. Home make-over or soul make-over, sounds like a plan.
Petitioning God for grace will help supply me with persistence, willingness to change and spirit-filled friends to help me. Again, I take example from Chip Gaines and his approach to a project. He tackles each make-over with a joyful heart and gratitude to God and the families with whome he interacts.
So each day, spend quiet time with Jesus. Let him peel away the old layers to reveal what he wants you to keep, change or leave behind. That’s the demolition.
Approach each day offering your Lenten sacrifice with a joyful heart. Find gratitude in all the little blessings through your day. That’s the renovation.
And smile-to everyone. That’s the revelation. That’s the inner Christian joy that Pope Francis wants us to witness to others.
Now it’s time to get out your overalls and tools. Smile and start swinging on Demo Day.
For more information about Fixer Upper, see www.hgtv.com/fixerupper.